Nanhua University elite students go overseas for internships Flip learning - the world is our classroom

Nanhua University elite students go overseas for internships Flip learning - the world is our classroom

In addition to encouraging students to study abroad, the school also organizes a number of overseas internships as a means to enable students to experience international workplace culture and to make themselves more globally competitive. Since the 2015 academic year, the school has advocated comprehensive internships, and has extended its reach to overseas. In addition to the management colleges, the Department of Life and Death, the Department of Early Childhood, the Department of Communication, the Department of International Studies, and the Department of Biotechnology, have handled overseas trainees and internships. Nanhua University was invited to participate in in-depth inter-internship and trainee exchange activities jointly organized by the Beijing Hsing Yun Cultural Education Foundation and the China Song Qing-ling Foundation. Thirty specially selected students went to Beijing for a 38-day in-depth study including Chinese tapestry, traditional Chinese music, and Peking Opera.
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